Saturday, July 14, 2007

Fw: Vigil Report, July 14, 2007


Dear Friends,
It was a lovely day in Shirley Square, and 8 stalwarts stood vigil in the pleasant breeze. Our new signs were well received.  Response was overwhelmingly positive, from motorists and pedestrians alike. It was good to see old familiar faces back in action. Thanks to all of you who came out. Hope to see more of you next week.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Fw: Vigil Report, July 7, 2007

Hi friends,
Seven of us stood vigil in Shirley Square on a grand, hot and breezy Summer day. Included was a woman from Seattle who stopped to ask Diane about our effort and stayed for a good while, holding a sign.
Still a lot of approving responses, plus a few negatives, but the apathy seemed more prevalent today. Could it be as a result of the bombing attempts in England and Scotland?
Hope awareness keeps growing to become a strong issue in the coming elections.