Saturday, April 29, 2006

Vigil Report

A lovely breezy noontime saw a dozen vigilers at Shirely Square. Positive responses were more than ever, overwhelmingly so. Just a few naysayers including the Gatra guy, the same blue car that yells, "Go back it San Francisco," and a couple of head shakers. At times there were conversations going on, so the vigil was not-so-silent. Edith counted dogs and sang sweetly. The lone Honk for the Troops guy was on his corner for a while but gone by the time I passed by in my car.
Peace - Heidi

Friday, April 28, 2006

Darfur Vigil, April 30

For years, many of us have read reports of the ongoing genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan, and wondered why world leaders have failed to step in. As many as 400,000 civilians have died1 and over 2 million have been driven from their homes,2 and yet the United States and other leading nations won't intervene and stop the killing.

This week, we may have the best chance since the genocide began to capture national media attention and give our leaders a mandate to act. On Sunday, April 30th, tens of thousands of concerned Americans, organized by the Save Darfur coalition, will gather in Washington to demand a real multi-national peacekeeping force to protect civilians in Darfur and end the genocide—now.

To support this urgent call, we're launching a "virtual march" to end the genocide in Darfur. We'll announce the total number of virtual marchers and read some of your comments at the big rally in DC (with the national media looking on) and then we'll deliver every signature to Congress and the President. We're aiming to sign up 100,000 virtual marchers in time for the rally—can you help us get there?

You can join the virtual march against genocide by pasting this link in your browser:

Monday, April 24, 2006

Plymouth Votes, May 13th

Fellow Activists:

In a few weeks, on May 13th, Plymouth will hold its annual election: one of the most important, I believe, in recent history.

On that occasion residents will, for the fourth time in the last ten years, be asked to consider revising abandoning town’s historic charter and electing a slate of charter commissioners.

On the face of it, the idea of the ‘evolution’ of our form of government seems a reasonable notion, and a mayoral system a plausible solution to what some are calling the town’s ‘growing pains’.

But appearances can be deceiving, and in this case the cadre of radical conservatives who are behind this effort, have anything but the town’s progress in mind. Instead, based on their own words, the leadership of the Mayor for Plymouth effort is intent on cutting taxes no matter what the effect on schools and services, on converting conservation land to industrially zoned acreage, and on riding this Mayoral Trojan Horse into the heart of Plymouth to grab the political power that they have not been able to win at the ballot box.

The leaders of the Mayor for Plymouth effort are not the friends of grassroots political action. They despise the peace movement, publicly belittle their political opponents, and seem to idealize a system of government which is feudal in its origin, and less accessible by design. One of their leaders, Mike Jones - a lobbyist by profession, played an important part in the 2000 Florida recount that gave George Bush the Presidency: one of the saddest chapters in the history of our democracy.

Please, don’t drink the Kool-Aid. Vote against revisiting the Town Charter and, to be safe, support the OPEN slate of charter commission candidates: David Buckman, Margie Burgess, Dick DiSilva, Nick Filla, Jean Loewenberg, Anthony Schenna, Richard Serkey, Mark Withington, and Janet Young.

For further information on the OPEN candidates, click HERE.

Vigil Report, April 22, 2006

Dear Friends,

A nice turnout today - about 15 people total - including some new folks and little Miss Edie & family. It was a pleasant surprise to have Sharyn Besse back with us after her accident. Thanks to you all.

Response was good, with some passers-by stopping to express appreciation and encouragement. Mr. "Honk for the Troops" was on station.

Hope to see you again next Saturday.



Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Peace Petition Information

Grace and I, Sharyn Besse and Barbara Brooks represented our group in a meeting with the Cape Codders for Peace and Justice, along with members of the Duxbury Peace Vigil, to hear and discuss their plans for peace actions in our area.

The Cape Codders are asking for our participation in their planned petition drive directed to our Congressman, William Delahunt, calling on him to take steps in Congress to end the war in Iraq. In particular, their petition requests that he join Massachusetts Representatives James McGovern and Barney Frank and other representatives in Congress in signing H.R. 4232, a Resolution aimed at prohibiting funding for further deployment of U.S. troops in Iraq. The Cape Codder's Petition further calls for an immediate withdrawal of the Armed Forces from Iraq.

Grace and I indicated that we could not support the Petition as written, as it calls for "immediate withdrawal" of all U.S. troops from Iraq. While we work towards peace, we feel we cannot in conscience leave Iraq in the situation now existing. Sharyn and Barbara also had some reservations. In response, the Cape Codders indicated that we would be free to alter the wording of the Petition to suit ourselves (i.e. deleting the word "immediate").

We recommend that you call up the text of the Resolution by entering and then entering the number 4232. The existing Cape Codder's Petition can be found on A study of these documents will help you to determine what action you wish to take, altering the Petition if you see fit and gathering signatures on it.

The Cape Codders want to deliver the signed Petitions simultaneously to Delahunt's Hyannis and Quincy offices on April 18. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU SEND COMPLETED PETITIONS, PRIOR TO APRIL 18, TO:

Cape Codders for Peace and Justice
Box 514
South Yarmouth, MA 02664

Vigil Report, April 1, 2006

Dear friends,

There were 11 of us out today on a sunny, warm and windy noon hour. Again, most responses were favorable, but warm weather seemed to bring out some unthinking folks, yelling about 9/11, telling us to go back to France, etc. Mr. Honk for the Troops was at his post.

We are invited by Cape Codders for Peace and Justice to join them and others tomorrow, Sun. April 2, at Sam Diego's in downtown Plymouth, at 2:00 PM, for a planning session on possible area-wide actions for peace. Grace and I plan to be there. Hope to see some of you, too.
