Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Any Pictures?

I won't be able to make it to the vigil tonight, but I promise to wear my peace tee-shirt to the Red Sox game.. I'd also like to ask if any of the participants in the vigils have taken any good 'digital' pictures? If so, send them to me at, or post them yourselves to this site. Thanks, Peace Out, Frank Mand

Friday, September 23, 2005

a new banner

Here is my banner for military families for peace.

Military Families Speak Out

Visit Peace Things to get peace sign gear.

Vigil Report: September 21, 2005

Dear Vigilers,

We had a good turnout tonight, despite the absence of those attending Bridgewater vigil and those on their way to Washington.

About 10 of us gathered at Town Square at 6:30 on a beautiful night. A few new members joined us, and we had three veterans and the mother of an Afghanistan Vet now serving in Iraq. After reviewing our previously agreed upon route and silence mode, we processed to the corner at M&M Sports where we paused for a while. Continued to Shirley Square and took up station behind the granite posts, facing out toward the streets. After about half an hour, we continued back along the east side of the street to the corner of Leyden St.

There were no hecklers, and we got quite a few toots and waves of approval.

After breaking up, several of us adjourned to a nearby restaurant/coffee shop to discuss suggestions made. It was generally agreed that we should continue to meet at Town Square at 6:30 PM.

Frank Mand offered to set up a blog with the title Plymouth Peace Vigil, if it's available. Watch for an invitation to join.

Another new member is a source for Peace paraphernalia of various kinds, and we plan to ask her about getting Peace symbol T-shirts as a uniform. By this message I invite her to comment on size range available and pricing.

Before we left home, I viewed part of my interview on PACTV on the Rob Bielen Hour, and it seemed to be coming across OK. Rob joined us in the vigil tonight

Thanks to all of you who came, and those friends who joined you. Let's keep trying to spread the word, make our neighbors aware that there is an alternative to the quagmire Iraq has become: PEACE!


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Peace of the World

It is not possible to create peace in the Middle East by jeopardizing the peace of the world.

(Aneurin Bevan (1897-1960), British Labour politician. speech, Nov. 4, 1956. At rally protesting Britain's armed intervention in the Suez dispute.)